Calories In vs. Calories Out: How Waist Trainers and Shapewear Can Boost Your Weight Loss Journey

Calories In vs. Calories Out: How Waist Trainers and Shapewear Can Boost Your Weight Loss Journey


Calories In vs. Calories Out: How Waist Trainers and Shapewear Can Boost Your Weight Loss Journey

In the world of fitness and weight loss, there's a fundamental equation that often takes center stage: calories in vs. calories out. Whether you're aiming to shed a few pounds or embark on a transformative weight loss journey, understanding the balance between the calories you consume and those you burn is key. In this blog post, we'll explore this calorie conundrum, compare the calorie content of some popular foods, and reveal how incorporating a waist trainer into your regimen can make a significant difference in your weight loss journey.

fat loss

Track your food!

Step 1

To begin with, the first step in a productive weight loss journey is keeping tabs on the foods you eat. It's not about being overly rigid or robotic but rather it's about developing a deeper understanding of your eating habits and making choices that align with your goals. Here's why this approach is so valuable:

Weight loss

Source: A pilot randomised trial of simplified versus standard calorie dietary self-monitoring in a mobile weight loss intervention 

The graph of above, shows the validity of using different tracking measures when it comes to monitoring our food calories intake. Thus, Dietary tracking, Activity tracker wear and Self-weighing tracking methods are all three valid in term of results, here we expand on the style of each measurement:

  • Dietary Tracking: This method involves meticulously recording the foods and beverages you consume throughout the day. It's like maintaining a journal of your dietary choices. 
  • Activity Tracker Wear: Activity tracking takes a slightly different angle. With the help of wearable devices like fitness trackers or smartwatches, you can monitor your physical activity levels throughout the day. 
  • Self-Weighing Tracking: Self-weighing, as the name suggests, involves regularly stepping on a scale to monitor your body weight. It's a straightforward method that offers immediate feedback on your progress. 
  • Dietary Tracking: This method involves meticulously recording the foods and beverages you consume throughout the day. It's like maintaining a journal of your dietary choices.

    "Adherence to detailed calorie tracking is a consistent predictor of weight loss in behavioral interventions" says Nezami BT, Hurley L, Power J, Valle CG and Tate DF in a study. Now that we have made the first step clear, let's dive into comparing the calorie content of some popular foods in the UK.

    But before we begin comparing different foods, it's important to recognize that on average an ordinary adult woman typically requires approximately 2,000 calories per day. For reference:

    • An average adult male requires approximately 2,500kcal per day.
    • An average adult female requires around 2,000kcal per day. 

    Source: NHS.

    Calories in vs. Calories Out

    Step 2

    At its core, the concept of calories in vs. calories out is simple: To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. For instance, a simple math:

    😋 You eat 2,000kcal a day.
    🔥 You burn 2,500kcal a day.
    This creates a deficit of 0,500kcal a day.

    When you consistently burn more calories than you take in, your body taps into its stored fat reserves for energy, leading to weight loss. However, achieving this balance can be challenging in a world filled with tempting treats and indulgent meals.

    fat loss

    Source: The Carbohydrate-Insulin Model of Obesity: Beyond "Calories In, Calories Out"

    The drawing of above shows a conventional model of a sedentary person. In this context, a sedentary person typically refers to someone who engages in minimal physical activity or exercise throughout their daily routine, thus the outcome leads to a fat storage increase, in other words, obesity.

    The point: include some exercise in your daily routine! Quick examples:

    In the morning, instead of immediately sitting down at your desk, you set aside 20 minutes for a brisk walk or a quick home workout.
    - During your lunch break, you opt to take a short walk outside or do some stretching exercises. This not only breaks up your sedentary workday but also enhances your circulation, reduces stiffness, and relieves stress.

    Understanding Caloric Content

    Let's start by comparing the calorie content of a few popular foods:

    • Pizza (1 slice): An average slice of pizza contains around 285-300 calories. If you're indulging in a whole pizza, that's a significant chunk of your daily caloric intake.

    • Cheeseburger: A typical cheeseburger with all the fixings can pack a whopping 350-500 calories, and that's before you add fries!

    • Chocolate Chip Cookie: A single homemade chocolate chip cookie can set you back around 50-100 calories, depending on its size.

    • Salad: On the healthier side, a standard salad with dressing can range from 200 to 400 calories.

    • Banana: Consuming 100 calories by enjoying one and a half bananas not only contributes to your daily fruit intake but also provides you with a valuable energy boost.

    • Broccoli:  To hit that 100-calorie milestone with broccoli, you'd find yourself indulging in quite a portion, but the great part is that you can savor it heartily while nourishing your body with a bunch of other essential nutrients. Like many other leafy greens, broccoli comes loaded with goodness.

    • Oranges: To reach the 100-calorie mark with oranges, you'd have to enjoy approximately 2.5 of them. This makes them a perfect choice for a snack, a delightful addition to your cereal, or a tasty option for enhancing your salads. 

    Reducing Calorie Intake with a Waist Trainer

    Step 3

    Now that you have a sense of the caloric content of these popular foods, let's explore how incorporating a waist trainer into your weight loss journey can help you reduce calorie intake:

    1. Appetite Control: Waist trainers can help you feel full sooner during meals, reducing the temptation to overeat or indulge in calorie-laden foods.

    2. Improved Posture: Wearing a waist trainer can encourage better posture, making it uncomfortable to slouch or lean over your plate for seconds.

    3. Portion Control: The compression effect of a waist trainer can serve as a physical reminder to control your portion sizes, preventing you from mindlessly overindulging.

    4. Visible Results: Seeing immediate results in the form of a slimmer waistline can boost your motivation to stick to a healthier eating plan.

    Remember, while waist trainers can be a valuable tool in your weight loss journey, they work best when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    In the quest to achieve your weight loss goals, understanding the calories in vs. calories out equation is paramount. By making conscious choices about the foods you consume, integrating exercise into your everyday schedule and incorporating a waist trainer into your regimen, you can take significant steps towards a healthier and more confident you. So, the next time you're faced with the temptation of that cheesy slice of pizza or decadent dessert, remember the calorie conundrum and the powerful ally you have in your waist trainer. Your journey to a slimmer, more confident self is well within reach.